This Film poster is for the film "American Gangster" it is a crime film directed by Ridley Scott starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. these are actors known for their "hard-macho image" so its no surprise the target audience is predominantly male middle aged men from a C2, C1, B class range. the target ethnicity is black and white people. The film semi-fits the stereo-type of the bad guy being the black drug-dealer and the good guy being the white cop who cracks the case. The cross cultural consumer characterisation from Young and Rubicon’s psychographic profile is Resigned- seeks survival.
The poster is in black and white so immediately we know it is going to be a sort of dull film, the two actors faces are cropped out however they leave half of it to show that one man is black and one man is white, also the black man is wearing a black suit and the white man is wearing a white suit suggesting the good v evil/ darkness v light. Denzel Washington the man in black is holding a gun connoting that this film is and will contain violence. Both men are smartly dressed we can infer that this means they are both quite wealthy, this may attract a B class audience. the only bit of colour in this poster is the red line separating the lines "American and Gangster"
.Red being a colour which is in the American flag, also it co-notates blood and violence. This poster would appeal to their target audience because it lacks in colour, attempts to show that it is a violent film and the people who it is starring may appeal to their audience followers.
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